Hands of God Episcopal Church
Anglican Catholic
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The Catholic Anglican Hands of God Episcopal Church is part of the unique, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church created by Our Lord Jesus Christ, charismatic, sacramental and liturgical.
It is a congregation of faithful Christians founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ on the faith of the twelve Apostles who live united by the same doctrine by the Law of God, by the divinely instituted hierarchy and by the practice of the Sacraments.
It is a living organism that has Our Lord Jesus Christ at its head and is governed by a hierarchy established by our Lord from the Apostles.
Our Church is the unity of faith and Love, we preserve the faith and the Liturgy and devotion as it was confessed everywhere always and forever.
The faith comes from the Divine revelation recorded in the Holy Scriptures and interpreted by our Church in the councils for its liturgy and its formation is based on the seven ecumenical councils.
The liturgical tradition includes the Sacraments of Baptism, the Holy Eucharist, Penance, the Holy Marriage order, the anointing, the order of the daily, weekly, monthly and annual prayer cycles, fasts and Lent, and the festivities of commemoration and veneration. to the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God, to the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to the Angels and Archangels, to the Communion of all Saints and the Apostles, to the Dead martyrs, to the Holy Cross and to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, body and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The ultimate goal of the Manos de Dios Episcopal Church is to help each person make a true conversion of life, following the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ and maintaining the Catholic and Apostolic faith.